Going up…

Like many women, I struggle with my self esteem. What does this look like? Chronic people pleasing, feelings of guilt (mom guilt anyone? More on that in my upcoming Mother’s Day blog) are two common symptoms. It may also look like always putting myself and my own wellness last. Ironic isn’t it? As this is precisely what I aim for us to provide for you from Bespoke…a safe place to turn your trust over to another woman who gets it, and who is here to help you feel and look your best.

Regardless, with the recent addition of medical esthetician Erika Davison (who worked with us on a limited basis in the old office, and has joined us again here in the new one about a month ago) this defect I continually struggle with has been gently brought to my attention repeatedly by her…and now I can’t unsee it! Being as that she is such an experienced esthetician she has encouraged me to look at other local businesses…and having finally space and time to pull my head out of the Covid sand its become clear to me that we are noticeably underpriced. And when you factor in that gratuity is included…well, then we are CONSIDERABLY underpriced.

I’ve done that because 1. I am so grateful to have regular business throughout covid I just didn’t have the heart to raise prices as we occasionally must, owing to inflation of materials etc 2. I want so badly to be able to provide affordable services to those who really need them I didn’t want to exclude anyone who couldn’t afford a slight price increase. I realize that taking care of yourself isn’t cheap, and that many of our clients have been through the ringer trying to solve their issues. They are spent, literally. I want everyone to feel safe to come to us and let us help them.

That being said, upon deeper reflection I’ve realized that for me to be continually setting a precedent for my team that we as women must overwork and underprice is not really serving them to the best of my ability…nor is it serving you the client. It might actually undermine what we offer to you and your ability to trust us. To this end, now that we are beginning to see the end of Covid and I have a stable, lovely staff…it’s time to gently bump prices by 10% across the board, which amounts to about $20 per treatment. $180 treatments are now $200, $200 are now $220 etc.

You will see on this updated menu that in addition to a slew of new services, there is a significant amount of new language/naming of our treatments. The greatest of which is that our beloved Osmosis based Bespoke Facial is being renamed as “Facial Infusion”. And our new “Bespoke Facial” will now be exactly that…a flexible session of modalities such as peels, high frequency, massage, microcurrent, gua sha, and botanical and/or alginate masks. More of a typical facial (but with our signature customized, “feel good” twist!) , that leaves you fresh and glowing after treatment. We will offer that in 60 or 90 minute sessions with your choice of cosmetic modalities. Or, better yet let your therapist choose your modalities! And just lie back and enjoy what we cook up for you.

These changes will take place May 1. Please note the changes to the menu noted here: Most important I think is the change in language, in that Osmosis treatments are now “Infusions” and not “Bespoke Facials”. I’m pretty happy about that change in verbiage, as typically our Osmosis facials are viewed as our “basic facial”…when they are anything but basic! Osmosis facials are skin revision from the deepest level, and I think the term “Infusion” better communicates their value.

Anyway, there you have it…new menu, new prices are live on our menu page. If you have questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to let me know! And as always, thank you for visiting us. Your support means the world to me, and we are thrilled to have you by our side for what is sure to be a beautiful spring and summer, and a new phase of growth here at Bespoke. 


The Meta-morphosis


In Bloom